Making high quality mental healthcare accessible for everyone

The Talk Shop Client Details and Consent Form – In-school counselling sessions

"*" indicates required fields

Your school has organised for your child to participate in counselling sessions at their school. This intake and consent form covers in-school counselling sessions.

(Any counselling directly and independently with The Talk Shop will need completion of our standard consent form).

Psychological Service Personal Information

As part of providing a psychological service to you, we will need to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your child’s current situation.  This information will be a necessary part of the counselling sessions that are conducted. 

You may view and/or have a copy of the material recorded in your file upon request, subject to the exceptions in National Privacy Principle 6.


All personal information gathered by the psychologist during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential and secure within the organisation except when:

  • It is subpoenaed by a court, or
  • Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at risk; or
  • Your prior approval has been obtained to:
    – provide a written report to another previously uninvolved professional or agency.e.g. a GP or a lawyer; or
    – discuss the material with another person. e.g. a parent or wellbeing leader

For counselling sessions held at the school, a summary report will be sent to the School Wellbeing Leader, who will forward it to you. This report will summarise the focus/goals of the session and strategies to practice in the classroom or at home.

Whilst the school and The Talk Shop may use email for general communication, we do not recommend you send confidential information to your psychologist via email, as email is not secure and your privacy cannot be guaranteed.

Limitations of service

You acknowledge that we are not an emergency service, are not always available at short notice or outside our regular practice hours, and we may not be able to respond to telephone calls or emails requesting urgent assistance. Ask your psychologist if you wish to be provided with the details of other services who can provide these services.

Child's details

First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Preferred Name
YYYY dash MM dash DD
Residential Address (must NOT be PO Box, etc)*

Parent/Guardian details

Parent/Guardian's Name*

Child's Medical Practitioner

YYYY dash MM dash DD

Child's previous Counsellor/Therapist (if any)

YYYY dash MM dash DD

Such as divorce and custody matters
I have read and understood the above Consent Form. I agree to these conditions for the psychological service provided at the school to the child under my care.

On clicking Submit, we will send you a confirmation email, with information on getting the necessary paperwork to us.