Making high quality mental healthcare accessible for everyone

Our Prices

At The Talk Shop we are proud to make high-quality mental health care accessible for everyone and have a range of appointment types available.

Bulk-billing appointments

We offer Medicare bulk billed eligible daytime weekday appointments with no out-of-pocket cost. However, due to the current high demand for Bulk-Billing appointments, it may mean a longer wait time or less choice over the time of your appointment.

Low cost Private appointments

Our prices for low cost private appointments are listed below.

From 1 November 2023, the Medicare rebate for private appointments will increase meaning that the Medicare rebate will cover up to 61% of your appointment cost, easing any out-of-pocket costs.


If you are seeing a Provisional Psychologist

Is your appointment time:Prices
Mon-Fri before 5pm$95
Mon-Fri from 5pm and weekends$140

  If you are seeing a Registered Psychologist

Is your appointment time:Medicare rebatePrices
Mon-Fri before 5pm$96.65$200
Mon-Fri from 5pm and weekends$96.65$245

If you are seeing a Clinical Psychologist

Is your appointment time:Medicare rebatePrices
Mon-Fri before 5pm$141.85$255
Mon-Fri from 5pm and weekends$141.85$300


Ready to book an appointment?

You can book an appointment through our website here.

You can also talk to us by calling 1300 224 665.



*Prices exclude the 2% bank surcharge.